Shenzhen Ever Rise International Logistics Co., Ltd. often keeps close contact with the customs and has its own front-line customs broker and tractor dealer at each major wharf. The goods are cleared quickly and released in time. Even in case of Shanghai customs inspection, it can be released quickly. We can help customers take out containers from the port and load them at the supplier's address, and then we will complete customs declaration and export with our own documents or the documents provided by the supplier. (you can also complete the export declaration of some special products in special ways.)
We can also prepare for you all the documents that will be required for customs clearance at the destination port, such as packing list, invoice, commodity inspection (CIQ), certificate of origin (CO), China ASEAN free trade area preferential certificate of origin (form-e), certificate of origin (FTA), generalized preferential system certificate of origin (joint format of declaration and certificate) form a (FORM-A), fumigation / disinfection certificate, etc.